For the visually impaired

Information and methodological department

Head of the department: 

Tel.: +37517-253-56-99

- organizing and ensuring the work of the board of the committee, other boards and advisory bodies on behalf of the chairman of the committee, preparing materials for them

- analysis of the execution of the decisions of the boards, the fulfillment of the requirements of the governing documents, instructions of the chairman

- preparation of draft comprehensive plans for the implementation of State programs in the field of healthcare, analysis of their implementation

- creation of a reference and information fund and a bank of operational information within the competence

- holding gatherings, seminars, conferences and meetings with organizations subordinate to the committee in their area of activity, coordinating the activities of organizational and methodological departments (offices), providing advice on organizational and methodological issues

- preparation of draft documents, orders, decisions, the annual work plan of the committee, other plans and codes based on the received reliable information in accordance with the competence

- participation in the development and bringing to the attention of organizations subordinate to the committee of planning targets, models of final results of activities, the territorial program of state guarantees for providing medical care to residents of Minsk, conducting a set and analysis of their implementation

- compilation of information and analytical collections, methodological and reference materials on the results of the activities of healthcare institutions in Minsk