Head of the Department of Medical Care Organization: Gozman Zinoviy Borisovich
tel. +37517 377 - 47 - 94
- ensuring the implementation of state policy in the field of protecting and promoting the health of citizens in organizations of the committee system;
- organization of improving the quality and ensuring accessibility of medical care in organizations of the committee system;
- ensuring continuity, a clear distribution of functions at each stage of medical care, normative consolidation of the organizational structure of each type of medical care;
- organizing the introduction of new medical technologies;
- organization and coordination of work in the field of medical examination, rehabilitation and habilitation;
- organization of preventive work aimed at preventing the occurrence of diseases, focused on a healthy lifestyle;
- coordination within the competence of activities and ensuring interaction between medical (pharmaceutical) scientific organizations and government organizations, health authorities, health care organizations;
- organizing the rational use of human resources, financial resources, medicines, medical products and medical equipment by healthcare organizations.